Together We Count

Assessing Efforts to Support a Fair and Accurate 2020 Census

Census Cover


The Democracy Funders Collaborative, guided by a Census Subgroup, developed a multi-year national initiative to support a fair and accurate count for the 2020 Census. The initiative was extraordinary in terms of the number and diversity of national, regional, and local funders and census stakeholders, the multi-pronged strategy, the resources raised, and the shared commitment to a fair and accurate census count.

The Census Subgroup funded ORS Impact and Barsoum Policy Consulting to conduct a third-party assessment of key components of this initiative. The evaluation takes a higher-level view of the strategy undertaken and focuses on the overall approach and tactics used to support a fair and accurate 2020 Census. In this report, they reflect on the impact of the implemented strategy with an independent view on success.

Click here to download the full report: Together We Count | Assessing Efforts to Support a Fair and Accurate 2020 Census


You can also navigate to specific sections of the report with the following links:


In addition to the report above, Barsoum Policy Consulting developed a summary of the national hubs, as well as two case studies: one on the successful multi-year appropriations advocacy to fund 2020 Census efforts, and another on the advocacy to prevent the inclusion of a citizenship question in the 2020 Census. To download the reports, please click below: