Spread the Joy of Reading – Support FCCP’s 2023 Convening Book Drive!

FCCP is excited to partner with Louisiana-based organizations on a book drive during our 2023 Convening in New Orleans to support local youth: Baldwin & Company, Our Voice Nuestra Voz, and Step Up Louisiana

Baldwin & Co. is the preeminent black-owned bookstore of the Southeast United States, located in New Orleans, LA.  The bookstore serves individuals, schools, businesses, nonprofits and more using the power of books to inspire social justice. Through the power of books, we are increasing individuals’ ability to improve their lives and achieve economic independence. We work to eradicate the root causes of poverty, eliminate discrimination, increase access to opportunity, and combat the racism that underlies inequity.

Our Voice Nuestra Voice is a nation-building organization, anchoring ancestry while building Black and Brown solidarity in New Orleans. We remember our shared culture and language, reconnect to the land, and organize our community around collective action. We build the capacity of community members, parents, and families to act as advocates in order to create a more equitable city, focusing on a number of issues including education, criminal justice, and immigration.

Step Up Louisiana’s multiracial and multigenerational membership engages in campaigns that directly affect our lives. Organizing for economic and educational justice in the South is fundamentally a fight against structural racism. This power analysis is essential to our work. We do the long-term base-building work we need to win and are flexible to respond in times of crisis.

There are several ways to participate in the book drive. For details on book selection and how to purchase either online or onsite, visit our 2023 Convening Book Drive Fact Sheet.

Note: You do not need to participate in the convening to participate in the book drive!