Census 2020 Action Plan

Released by Democracy Funders Collaborative Census Subgroup. FCI participates in the subgroup.

Like many other institutions in the United States, foundations rely on census data to craft policies, plan initiatives, deliver services and promote economic and social justice. The Democracy Funders Collaborative Census Subgroup has developed a plan to help ensure a fair and accurate census as required by the U.S. Constitution.

Ensuring Adequate Policies and Resources for the 2020 Census is a plan of action focused on three goals:

  1. Policy Improvements: Advocating for policy improvements to the American Community Survey (ACS) (long form) and decennial census to ensure adequate federal funding and sound strategic decision-making by the federal government;
  2. Funder Outreach and Increased Support: Leveraging the profile of the foundations in the Census Subgroup to highlight the importance of the ACS and decennial census, and supporting the Funders Census Initiative to bring other funders to the table; and
  3. Public Outreach and Education: Supporting outreach and public education to improve response rates for the 2020 census, particularly among undercounted populations.


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